Contract and consumer cases
Cases database
Please note that this database is being populated progressively and will facilitate search and filter by court, judge or subject matter.
Until this page is fully populated please view archive for more complete list
The drop down filters below may be incomplete; for a complete list of cases by court, judge and subject matter see: cases by court or judge and cases by subject matter
Search by court or judge
- Court of Appeal (NSW) 12
- Court of Appeal (Vic) 1
- District Court of Qld 1
- District Court of SA 1
- Family Court 1
- Federal Circuit Court 1
- Federal Court (full) 8
- Federal Court (trial) 9
- High Court 32
- Privy Council 2
- Supreme Court of NSW 14
- Supreme Court of NT 1
- Supreme Court of Qld 4
- Supreme Court of SA 6
- Supreme Court of Tasmania 1
- Supreme Court of Vic 3
- Supreme Court of WA 1
- United Kingdom 22
- United Kingdon 1
- aickin 1
- aldridge 1
- allsop 1
- angel 1
- ashley 1
- atkin 3
- atkinson 1
- austin 1
- baggallay 1
- bankes 1
- barwick 1
- bathurst 1
- beaumont 3
- beazley 1
- bell 4
- besanko 1
- bingham 1
- birkett 2
- black 1
- blackburn 1
- blagden 1
- blanesburgh 2
- bleby 1
- bowen 2
- brandon of oakbrook 2
- bray 1
- brennan 9
- bridge 1
- bridge of harwich 2
- buchanan 1
- buckley 1
Search by subject matter
- acceptance 7
- agreement 21
- australian consumer law 2
- breach of contract 1
- capacity 2
- certainty 5
- conditional contract 1
- consideration 14
- damages 3
- damages (loss of chance) 1
- damages (remoteness) 1
- disclaimers 1
- doctrine of part performance 1
- duress 1
- estoppel 2
- formalities 4
- formation 44
- frustration 3
- good faith 1
- illegality 3
- implied terms 4
- intention to create legal relations 10
- invitation to deal 3
- misleading or deceptive conduct 5
- misrepresentation 2
- mistake 1
- money had and received 1
- offer 3
- pecuniary penalties 1
- penalty clauses 1
- postal rule 3
- privity of contract 1
- promissory estoppel 2
- remedies 2
- restitution 3
- revocation 3
- subject to contract 1
- terms 5
- terms (classification) 1
- terms (signature) 1
- total failure of consideration 1
- unconscionable conduct 8
- undue influence 2
- unilateral contract 3
- unjust enrichment 2