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The Role of Precedent in the Construction and Implication of Terms in Contracts
J W Carter, John Eldridge and Elisabeth Peden, ‘The Role of Precedent in the Construction and Implication of Terms in Contracts’ (2021) 37 Journal of Contract Law 1
Unintended Acceptance of Repudiatory Breach and Loss of Bargain Damages
Qiao Liu, ‘Unintended Acceptance of Repudiatory Breach and Loss of Bargain Damages’ (2021) 37 Journal of Contract Law 49
The Continuing Confusion and Uncertainty over the Relevance of Actual Mutual Intention in Contract Interpretation
David McLauchlan, ‘The Continuing Confusion and Uncertainty over the Relevance of Actual Mutual Intention in Contract Interpretation’ (2021) 37 Journal of Contract Law 25
Building law: ‘Mann v Paterson Constructions Pty Ltd’: The end of the rescission fallacy
Travis Shueard, Seamus Brand, ‘Building law: ‘Mann v Paterson Constructions Pty Ltd’: The end of the rescission fallacy’ (2020) 42(2) Bulletin (Law Society of South Australia) 30-31
‘Plain Sailing’?: Damages for Distress under the ACL and the Performance Interest in Contract
Elise Bant, Katy Barnett and Jeannie Marie Paterson, ‘‘Plain Sailing’?: Damages for Distress under the ACL and the Performance Interest in Contract’ (2020) 36 Journal of Contract Law 272
Testing the boundaries of the consideration doctrine: Can you contract to buy and sell a ghost?
Mark Giancaspro, ‘Testing the boundaries of the consideration doctrine: Can you contract to buy and sell a ghost?’ (June 2020) 45(2) Alternative Law Journal 107-113
Claims for the value of the lost contractual performance
David Winterton, ‘Claims for the value of the lost contractual performance’ (2019) 45(1) University of Western Australia Law Review 75-103
“More Than a Feeling”: Finding Statutory Unconscionable Conduct
Michelle Sharpe, ‘“More Than a Feeling”: Finding Statutory Unconscionable Conduct’ (2019) 27 AJCCL 108
Penalties after Paciocoo - the Enigma of 'Legitimate Interests'?
Elisabeth Peden, 'Penalties after Paciocoo - the Enigma of 'Legitimate Interests'?' 35(3) Journal of Contract Law 263
Should specifically deterrent or punitive remedies be made available to victims of misleading conduct under the Australian Consumer Law?
Elise Bant and Jeannie Marie Paterson, 'Should specifically deterrent or punitive remedies be made available to victims of misleading conduct under the Australian Consumer Law?' (2019) 25(2) Torts Law Journal 99
The 'Prima Facie Expectation Relief' Approach in the Australian Law of Proprietary Estoppel
Ying Khai Liew, 'The 'Prima Facie Expectation Relief' Approach in the Australian Law of Proprietary Estoppel' (2019) 39(1) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 183-208
The undue influence of 'non-Australian' undue influence law on Australian undue influence law: farewell Johnson v Buttress? Part II
Rick Bigwood, 'The undue influence of 'non-Australian' undue influence law on Australian undue influence law: farewell Johnson v Buttress? Part II' (2019) 35(3) Journal of Contract Law 187
➤ Unjust Enrichment in Australia: What Is(n’t) It? Implications for Legal Reasoning and Practice
Kit Barker, ‘Unjust Enrichment in Australia: What Is(n’t) It? Implications for Legal Reasoning and Practice’ (2019) 43(3) Melbourne University Law Review 903
➤ Teaching contract vitiation in Australia: New challenges in subject design
Rick Bigwood and Rob Mullins, 'Teaching contract vitiation in Australia: New challenges in subject design' (2018) 30(2) Bond Law Review 185-216
The undue influence of 'non-Australian' undue influence law on Australian undue influence law: farewell Johnson v Buttress? Part 1
Rick Bigwood, 'The undue influence of 'non-Australian' undue influence law on Australian undue influence law: farewell Johnson v Buttress? Part 1' (2018) 35(1-2) Journal of Contract Law 56
➤ Construction of contracts: the ambiguity gateway and the current state of the law
Maha Chaar, 'Construction of contracts: the ambiguity gateway and the current state of the law' (2018) 44(1) University of Western Australia Law Review 65
From unconscionability to unfairness: a critique of Hong Kong' sunconscionable contracts ordinance with Australian developments
May Fong Cheong and Kendy Ding, 'From unconscionability to unfairness: a critique of Hong Kong's unconscionable contracts ordinance with Australian developments' (2018) 35(1-2) Journal of Contract Law
Consumer guarantees and the doctrine of half-truth
Editorial, 'Consumer guarantees and the doctrine of half-truth' (2018) 26(2) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 95
Contract codification and 'certainty'
John Eldridge, 'Contract codification and 'certainty'' (2018) 35(1-2) Journal of Contract Law
➤ The Proposed Australian Consumer Data Right: A European Comparison
Sasmson Yoseph Esayas and Angela Daly, 'The Proposed Australian Consumer Data Right: A European Comparison' (2018) 3 European Competition and Regulatory Law Review 1-15 (pre-print version)
Is the CISG slowly becoming part of the common law?
Howard Hunter, 'Is the CISG slowly becoming part of the common law?' (2018) 35(1-2) Journal of Contract Law
Disagreement over the illegality defence
Alexander Loke, 'Disagreement over the illegality defence' (2018) 35(1-2) Journal of Contract Law
Will emerging information technologies outpace consumer protection law? — The case of digital consumer manipulation
Kayleen Manwaring, 'Will emerging information technologies outpace consumer protection law? — The case of digital consumer manipulation' (2018) 26 CCLJ 141
Contract interpretation and deleted words: a not so pleasant diversity of authority
David McLauchlan, 'Contract interpretation and deleted words: a not so pleasant diversity of authority' (2018) 35(1-2) Journal of Contract Law
Can a Big Business Avail Itself of the Unfair Contract Term Provisions in the Australian Consumer Law?
Peter Sise, 'Can a Big Business Avail Itself of the Unfair Contract Term Provisions in the Australian Consumer Law?' (2019) 26 AJCCL 276
Consumer protection, modern regulation, paternalism and the nanny state: Understanding the legitimacy challenge
Eric L Windholz, 'Consumer protection, modern regulation, paternalism and the nanny state: Understanding the legitimacy challenge' (2018) 26 CCLJ 182
Apple iOS Updates Cause ACCC Service Headache, Overseas Camera Purchase Not a Pretty PICTURE, and Flimsy eBay Sheds
Thomas Cadd, 'Apple iOS Updates Cause ACCC Service Headache, Overseas Camera Purchase Not a Pretty PICTURE, and Flimsy eBay Sheds' (2017) 25(3) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 213
Proving Misleading or Deceptive Conduct: Challenges Posed by the Internet
Adrian Coorey, 'Proving Misleading or Deceptive Conduct: Challenges Posed by the Internet' (2017) 25(2) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 97
The Law of Penalties and the Question of Breach
Anthony Gray, 'The Law of Penalties and the Question of Breach' (2017) 45 ABLR 8
➤ Online shopping, misleading advertising and consumer protection
Kanchana Kariyawasam & Shaun Wigley, 'Online shopping, misleading advertising and consumer protection' (2017) 26(2) Information & Communications Technology Law 73-89
Assessment of Contractual Penalties: Dunlop Deflated
J W Carter, 'Assessment of Contractual Penalties: Dunlop Deflated' (2017) 34 JCL 4
➤ When Not All Sellers Are Traders: Re-Evaluating the Scope of Consumer Protection Legislation in the Modern Marketplace
Kate Tokeley, 'When Not All Sellers Are Traders: Re-Evaluating the Scope of Consumer Protection Legislation in the Modern Marketplace' [2017] SydLawRw 3; (2017) 39(1) Sydney Law Review 59
➤ Businesses beware. When does the Australian Consumer Law apply?
James North and Richard Flitcroft, 'Businesses beware. When does the Australian Consumer Law apply?' (June 2016) 86(5) Governance Directions 306-309
➤ The admissibility and use of evidence of prior negotiations in modern contractual negotiations
Caitlin Moudtaka, 'The admissibility and use of evidence of prior negotiations in modern contractual negotiations' (2016) 41(1) The University of Western Australia Law Review 203
➤ What's in a Name? Software, Digital Products and the Sale of Goods
Ben Hayward, 'What's in a Name? Software, Digital Products and the Sale of Goods' (2016) 38 Sydney Law Review 441
➤ Consumer guarantees - lessons to be learnt from afar
L D Griggs, A Freilich and N Messel, 'Consumer guarantees - lessons to be learnt from afar' (2015) 23 Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 36-44.
➤ Google v ACCC: The High Court considers misleading and deceptive conduct
Rosanne Sands, 'Google v ACCC: The High Court considers misleading and deceptive conduct' [2013] UNDAULawRw 7; (2013) 15 The University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review 152
➤ Striking the modern balance between freedom of contract and consumer rights
Justice Steven Rares, 'Striking the modern balance between freedom of contract and consumer rights' [2013] FedJSchol 21
The Uncertain Basis of the Postal Acceptance Rule?
David McLauchlan, ‘The Uncertain Basis of the Postal Acceptance Rule?’ (2013) 30 Journal of Contract Law 33
The Relevance of Breach to the Applicability of the Rule against Penalties
Sirko Harder, ‘The Relevance of Breach to the Applicability of the Rule against Penalties’ (2013) 30 Journal of Contract Law 52 (discussed in the context of Andrews v ANZ)
➤ Rethinking Election: A General Theory
Qiau Liu, ‘Rethinking Election: A General Theory’ (2013) 35 Sydney Law Review 599
➤ Three models of promissory estoppel
Andrew Robertson, 'Three models of promissory estoppel' (2013) 7 Journal of Equity 226
➤ Companies Take Heed: The Misleading or Deceptive Conduct Provisions Are Gaining Prominence
Gill North (2012) 30 Company and Securities Law Journal 342
➤ The Government's Proposed "Review of Australian Contract Law": A Preliminary Positive Response
Luke Nottage, 'The Government's Proposed "Review of Australain Contract Law": A Preliminary Positive Response' (2012, Sydney Law School Research Paper No 12/49)
The International Harmonisation of Australian Contract Law
Donald Robertson (2012) 29 Journal of Contract Law 1
➤ Section 18 of the Australian Consumer Law and Environmental Issues
Michael Adams and Marine Nehme, 'Section 18 of the Australian Consumer Law and Environmental Issues' [2012] BondLawRw 2; (2012) 24(1) Bond Law Review
What’s Wrong with the Australian Law of Contract?
Andrew Stewart (2012) 29 Journal of Contract Law 74
Agreements, Common Mistake and the Purpose of Contract
Andrew Tettenborn (2012) 22 Journal of Contract Law 91
➤ Circumscribing election: reflections on the taxonomization and mental componentry of affirmation of a contract by election
Rick Bigwood (2011) 30(2) University of Queensland Law Journal 235
➤ The Enforceability of Agreements to Negotiate in Good Faith
Jack O'Connor [2010] UTasLawRw 8; (2010) 29(2) University of Tasmania Law Review 177
➤ Good faith: Where are We At?
The Hon Marilyn Warren AC (2010) 34 Melbourne University Law Review 344
➤ The Australian Unfair Contract Terms Law: The Rise of Substantive Unfairness as a Ground for Review of Standard Form Consumer Contracts
Jeannie Paterson, 'The Australian Unfair Contract Terms Law: The Rise of Substantive Unfairness as a Ground for Review of Standard Form Consumer Contracts' (2009) 33(3) Melbourne University Law Review
➤ Contract Interpretation: What Is It About?
David McLauchlan [2009] SydLawRw 1; (2009) 31(1) Sydney Law Review 5
➤ Codifying Australia's Contract Law - Time for a Stocktake in the Common Law Factory
Dan Svantesson, 'Codifying Australia's Contract Law - Time for a Stocktake in the Common Law Factory' (2008) 20(2) Bond Law Review (article 5)
➤ Laying the Mark to Port and Starboard: Salvage Under Duress and Economic Duress at Contract Law
Olivia Lennox-King [2007] ANZMarLawJl 5; (2007) 21(1) Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal 32
➤ Contract formation, contract interpretation, and subsequent conduct
D W McLauchlan, 'Contract formation, contract interpretation, and subsequent conduct' (2006) 25(1) The University of Queensland Law Journal 77
➤ Implied Obligations of Good Faith and Resonableness in the Performance of Contracts: Old Wine in New Bottles?
Geoffrey Kuehne [2006] UWALawRw 4; (2006) 33(1) University of Western Australia Law Review 63
➤ The Implied Duty of Good Faith in Australian Contract Law
Justice Robert McDougall [2006] AUConstrLawNlr 36; (2006) 108 Australian Construction Law Newsletter 28
➤ Misleading and deceptive conduct: Immunising the intermediary - the conduit defence
Peter Gillies (2006) 14 Trade Practices Law Journal 208
➤ Structuring the application of the equitable doctrines of undue influence and unconscionable dealing
Andrew N Sykes (2006) 13(1) E Law Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law 46-57
➤ Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v C G Berbatis Holdings Pty Ltd Curbing Unconscionability: Berbatis in the High Court of Australia
Rick Bigwood, '' (2004) 28(1) Melbourne University Law Review 203
➤ Quantum Meruit for Building Services Under Unenforceable Contract
Chris Fenwick [2005] AUConstrLawNlr 17; (2005) 101 Australian Construction Law Newsletter 6
➤ Good Faith and Fair Dealing: Australia
Finn, J (2005) 11 New Zealand Business Law Quarterly 378
➤ Impossible performance or excused performance? Common mistake and frustration after Great Peace Shipping
Michele De Gregorio (2005) 16 King's College Law Journal 69 (subscription required)
➤ The Limits of Voluntariness in Contract
Andrew Robertson [2005] MULR 5; 29 Melbourne University Law Review 218
➤ Revisiting the Rule in L'Estrange v F Graucob Ltd
Phillip Sharp [2005] BondLawRw 17; (2005) 17(2) Bond Law Review 204
➤ ACCC v Berbatis Holdings (2003) 197 ALR 153
Nicole Dean, 'ACCC v Berbatis Holdings (2003) 197 ALR 153' (2004) 26(2) Sydney Law Review 255
➤ The Admissibility of Evidence of Surrounding Circumstances in the Interpretation of Contracts
Francis Tiernan [2003] AUConstrLawNlr 51; (2003) 92 Australian Construction Law Newsletter 14
➤ Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v C G Berbatis Holdings Pty Ltd and Others (2003) 197 ALR 153; [2003] HCA 18
Jasmine Campbell (2003) 5 UNDALR 101
➤ Good Faith: Is It a Contractual Obligation?
Bruno Zeller [2003] BondLawRw 30; (2003) 15(2) Bond Law Review 217
➤ Good faith in Australian contract law [PDF]
J W Carter and Elisabeth Peden [Jan/Feb 2004] Australian Construction Law Newsletter 6
➤ Contract And The Family: Whither Intention
Maria Keyes and Kylie Burns [2002] MULR 30; (2002) 26 Melbourne University Law Review 577
➤ Implied duty of good faith: A comment
Rick Ladbury (Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association (AMPLA) Yearbook 2002) pages 22-48; [2002] AUMPLawAYbk 4
Contract by Offer and Acceptance: Still the Law?
Mr Justice PW Young (2001) 75(7) ALJ 419
[Discussion of decision in Brambles Holdings v Bathurst City Council]
➤ Breach of Contract and Misleading Conduct: A Storm in A Teacup?
Jason Cornwall-Jones (2000) 24(2) Melbourne University Law Review
➤ Electronic Signatures: Understand the Past to Develop the Future
Adrian McCullagh, Peter Little and William Caelli [1998] UNSWLawJl 56; (1998) 21(2) University of New South Wales Law Journal 452
➤ Rescission of an Executed Contract at Common Law for an Innocent Misrepresentation
Peter McFarlane and Lindy Willmott [1998] BondLawRw 4; (1998) 10(1) Bond Law Review 58
➤ Taming the unruly horse! Contractual illegality and public policy: Fitzgerald v F J Leonhardt Pty Ltd
Jay Forder, ‘Taming the unruly horse! Contractual illegality and public policy: Fitzgerald v F J Leonhardt Pty Ltd’ [1997] High Court Review 12
Breach of Contract and Misleading or Deceptive Conduct
Skapinker D and Carter J W (1997) 113 LQR 294
Good Faith and Fairness in Commercial Contract Law
Rt Hon Lord Justice Staughton, (1994) 7 Journal of Contract Law 193
Contract and its Relationship with Equitable Standards and the Doctrine of Good Faith
Sir Anthony Mason, The Cambridge Lectures, 1993 (8 July 1993)
➤ Concrete Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd v Nelson
Philip Solomon, (1990) 17 Melbourne University Law Review 759
The Hegemony of Misleading or Deceptive Conduct in Contract, Tort and Restitution
Philip H Clarke (1989) 5 Australian Bar Review 109
➤ Contract, Restitution and Promissory Estoppel
John Carter [1989] UNSWLawJl 3; (1989) 12(1) University of New South Wales Law Journal 30
➤ A Guide to a Comparison of Australian and United States Contract Law
The Hon Justice L J Priestley [1989] UNSWLawJl 2; (1989) 12(1) University of New South Wales Law Journal 4
The Implied Contract Theory of Quasi-Contract: Civilian Opinion Current in the Century Before Blackstone
Birks and McLeod (1986) 6 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 46
➤ Freeze, Flight and Fight in High Court Contract Judgments
M P Ellinghaus, 'Freeze, Flight and Fight in High Court Contract Judgments' (1985) 10(2) Adelaide Law Review 184
➤ Illusory, Vague and Uncertain Contractual Terms
HK Lucke, 'Illusory, Vague and Uncertain Contractual Terms' (1977-1978) 6(1) Adelaide Law Review 1
The Inconsistent Collateral Contract
David W McLauchlan, 'The Inconsistent Collateral Contract' (1976-1977) 3 Dalhousie LJ 136
➤ Wigan v Edwards (Contract)
Janet N Walker [1974] MelbULawRw 9; (1974) 9(3) Melbourne University Law Review 537
Signature, Consent and the Rule in L'Estrange v Graucob
Spencer (1973) Cambridge Law Journal 104

Opinion pieces
Opinion pieces
Largely academic opinion pieces from The Conversation
➤ Should online users be bound by their privacy agreements?
Samuel Becher, 'Should online users be bound by their privacy agreements?' (The Conversation, 1 March 2019)
➤ Fines that’ll hurt. ASIC’s powerful, if ill-fitting, teeth
Elise Bant and Jeannie Marie Paterson, 'Fines that’ll hurt. ASIC’s powerful, if ill-fitting, teeth' (The Conversation, 27 February 2019)
➤ Research shows most online consumer contracts are incomprehensible, but still legally binding
Samuel Becher, 'Research shows most online consumer contracts are incomprehensible, but still legally binding' (The Conversation, 4 February 2019)
➤ That contract your computer made could get you in a legal bind
Mark Giancaspro, 'That contract your computer made could get you in a legal bind' (The Conversation, 11 April 2018)
➤ Comic contracts and other ways to make the law understandable
Camilla Baasch Anderson, 'Comic contracts and other ways to make the law understandable' (The Conversation, 19 January 2018)
➤ Like it or not, you’re getting the NBN, so what are your rights when buying internet services?
Jeannie Marie Paterson, 'Like it or not, you’re getting the NBN, so what are your rights when buying internet services?' (The Conversation, 23 October 2017)
➤ Changes to contract laws could give small farming businesses more control of data and innovation
Leanne Wiseman, 'Changes to contract laws could give small farming businesses more control of data and innovation' (The Conversation, 25 November 2016)
➤ Explainer: what is contract theory and why it deserved a Nobel Prize
Hongyi Li and Anton Kolotilin, 'Explainer: what is contract theory and why it deserved a Nobel Prize' (The Conversation, 12 October 2016)
➤ External link
Last updated: 18 October 2019