J W Carter
Cases and Materials on Contract Law in Australia
(LexisNexis, 7th edn, 2019)
Publisher description
Cases and Materials on Contract Law in Australia is an outstanding resource offering explanatory commentary on the key principles of contract law and carefully selected extracts from leading cases, relevant legislation and secondary sources. It aligns with all Australian contract law units, covering 40 topics in the areas of Agreement, Terms of the Contract, Parties to the Contract, Vitiating Factors, Illegality, Performance and Breach, Termination for Breach, Termination by Frustration, and Remedies.
Chapters are structured to develop a strong understanding of each topic, providing clear statements of essential concepts and their relationship to other contractual principles and definitions of relevant legal terms. The author explains the facts and pertinent issues of both principal and illustrative cases, what to look for in a decision and how each issue is resolved. Each topic offers discussion of reform and further reading suggestions. Additional problem questions with worked answers are included.
The seventh edition of this work has been extensively revised. Commentary, case extracts and materials are updated to reflect developments in case law and legislation, such as Commonwealth Bank of Australia v Barker (2014); Mount Bruce Mining Pty Ltd v Wright Prospecting Pty Ltd (2015) and Thorne v Kennedy (2017). There are new materials on good faith and contract construction. ...