Australian contract law
by Julie Clarke
Please note that I am currently transitioning this site to this new responsive template; until complete some links will continue to refer back to the archived site.
Contract law encompasses any laws or regulations directed toward enforcing certain promises.
We all make contracts almost every day. Whenever we buy a coffee, do the grocery shopping, fill the car up with petrol or purchase a ticket for public transport we are entering into a contract. We are often unaware we are contracting (or at least don't turn our minds to that fact) and in most cases it is unnecessary to do so; most contracts are made and performed instantly (or almost instantly) without any problems arising.
However, should something go wrong (eg, one party fails to perform (eg, deliver goods) or goods delivered or services performed are defective in some way), it may become important to assess when and whether a valid contract was entered into, the nature of its terms and obligations and what, if any, remedies may be available in the event of a breach.
In Australia contract law is primarily governed by the 'common law', but increasingly statutes are supplementing the common law of contract - most notably, but certainly not exclusively, in the area of consumer protection.
This site is designed to provide an introduction to Australian contract and consumer law. The core content can be found by following the links in the top menu.
The contract law section focuses primarily on the common law of contract, with some reference to relevant legislation. It is broadly divided into five categories:
contractual formation
scope and content of contracts
avoidance of contractual obligations
performance and termination of contracts and
remedies for breach of contract.
The consumer law section includes some limited information relating to consumer guarantees, unfair terms in consumer contracts, unconscionable conduct and manufacturers' liability. Consumer law in Australia is complex; there are a range of statutes providing consumer rights. This section focuses on some select provisions of the Australian Consumer Law, particularly as they impact directly on contracts, but does not purport to provide comprehensive treatment of this complex field.
Please note that the content on this website does not constitute legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. See disclaimer for further detail.
Please also note that the site remains (and will remain!) a work in progress and, while every endeavour is made to keep it up to date and accurate, no guarantee is made as to currency or accuracy.

Last updated: 12 March 2021